藝術治療師推介 Art Therapist's Recommendation
Post date: May 24, 2013 8:49:34 AM
Don't miss this chance to have experience with Kate Donohue at the 12th June Afternoon Lecture hosted by the Expressive Arts Therapy of Hong Kong - EATA HK!
Kate Donohue is our wonderful trainer/therapist/supervisor. Many people said she's the best of our best trainers throughout these years of creative/expressive arts therapy trainings. She beautifully puts EXAT and Jungian in marriage.
It's her third visit to HK. She will be doing two 2-day workshops at CU in June. All got full quickly within two weeks. Amazing her! She did well in facilitating expressive arts therapy process and also teaching theoretical foundation. She has lots of practice wisdom inside her with her caring heart and passionate soul.
Do come and join us! For more information, please write to eatahk@gmail.com
Have a wonderful weekend!