18 Sep 2014 Meet Art Therapists – Clinical experience in Taiwan (By HKAAT)
Post date: Sep 3, 2014 1:52:08 AM
18 Sep 2014 Meet Art Therapists – Clinical experience in Taiwan
HKAAT “Meet the Art Therapists” 藝術聊程 2014-15
You are invited to attend our MAT – Meet the Art Therapists (藝術聊程) event. It is a bi-monthly sharing session conducted by our art therapists/full members. We are excited to announce that we are pleased to have Wang, Hua-Wen from Taiwan to be our speaker.
MAT Topic : Art Therapy Clinical Experience in Taiwan
Speaker: Wang, Hua-Wen, HPCP registered art psychotherapist (UK).
She works as an art therapist in Hospice Palliative Medicine Division of Taichung Veterans General Hospital and Taiwan Fund for Children and Families. She is also an instructor of Tunghai University Extension- Continuing and Professional Education in Taiwan.
Medium of Language: Mandarin
Date & Time: 18 Sep 2014 (THUR), 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Venue: Room 704, The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of HK
Address: The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of HK, No. 3 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, HK
Fee : HKD50 (members) $ 200 (non-members)
內容: 藝術治療師於台灣工作(學校、醫院、社福機構)的實務分享
主講者: 王華雯Wang, Hua-Wen
簡介: 臺中榮民總醫院安寧緩和醫學科及台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會藝術治療師, 東海大學推廣教育部講師。
語言: 國語
NO Walk-in or On-site Registration
Application form: https://hkatherapy.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/mat_huawen_.pdf